Student Support
Family Advocacy

Family advocacy plays a crucial role in supporting children at risk of suspension or those who have been excluded from school.

Here are some ways in which family advocacy can provide assistance

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Communication and Mediation

Our advocates serve as a bridge between schools and families, facilitating open lines of communication and promoting understanding. They can help mediate conflicts, ensuring that the concerns of both parties are heard and addressed.

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Referral to Services

Our advocates can connect families with community-based organisations, counseling services, mental health professionals, or other resources that can support the child and address the underlying factors contributing to their behaviour.

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Individualised Support

We provide personalised support, helping families navigate the school system, access resources, and develop strategies for addressing specific challenges.

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Education and Empowerment:

Our advocates empower parents and caregivers by providing them with information about their rights, policies, and procedures related to suspensions and exclusions.

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Collaborative Problem-Solving

Our advocates collaborate with school staff, administrators, and other relevant professionals to develop proactive interventions and alternative approaches to address behavioural issues effectively. They work towards creating a supportive and inclusive environment for the child.

Our Advocates

By providing advocacy and support, family advocates aim to reduce the likelihood of suspension or exclusion, promote successful reintegration into the school setting, and ensure the overall well-being and academic success of the child.